Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Horray for Sale: Beauty Fair 2013

People from the North rejoice! Beauty Fair 2013 is just around the corner! It isn't everyday that our favorite online shops get together to make your makeup shopping this easy. You can do your early Christmas shopping on amazing beauty product choices for your Mom, Lola, Tita, favorite Cousin, your girlfriends and even your beki best friend! Digital Traincase is gonna be there so expect me to line up for the Ben Nye powder.

Entrance is free so you can come on both days without worry. So don't dilly-dally and drop by the Beauty Fair this weekend at Ariato Penthouse in Tomas Morato.

Slap it On: Lip Smacker Coca-Cola Edition

From my past posts, you've heard me screaming my love for lipsticks. The love is just so intense that if in the not too distant future, that zombie apocalypse erupts I know for a fact that I will be eaten and die because I couldn't decide which shade of lipstick I'll be bringing as zombies trample my door.

Because of this passion for lipsticks, I am of course a regular victim of discolored, dry, peeling lips. And when I say peel, I literally mean that I can pull out chunks of dry skin that can put a shedding snake to shame. I know this can be easily remedied by a very good lip moisturizer like lip balms. But as you also know, I am a very lazy person. If I can skip corners to get things done faster (but not putting the quality on the line mind you), I will take that route without qualms. And waiting for lip balms to set before applying lipstick is just a very long route.

So I figured, maybe I just need to make my lip balming experience a lot more fun so I'd love to do it more. Enter the Lip Smacker Coca-Cola Edition.