With Christmas just 5 days to go, I cannot help have the little kid in me create a short list that I'd wish from Santa. If only magical elves and flying reindeer's were still applicable to older people I would have still sent my wish list to North Pole!
Anyway, this is pretty much the top 5 things that I'd wish to see under the tree on Christmas day!
1. Rocki Wifi Music System - who hasn't suffered bad sounding Wifi speakers? I've had countless incidents when I had to make do with those cheap portable speakers whenever I'm streaming music from my Ipod. Enter this handy little thing that can turn all speakers into wifi speakers! Really cool thing right? Though not yet available on retail, I can settle for the next best thing. Pledge on its Kickstart Page to be part of the initial production. Delivery is estimated by February of 2014.

2. Form 1 3D Printer - Let's just say, this is more of a want than a need. But who doesn't want to have a 3D printer? I mean, you can make a lot of things with it. I'm dreaming of creating ornaments, accessories, cases and other what not's with it. This Formlabs product actually is cheaper and handier than the other 3D printers.