Friday, September 27, 2013

Of Life's Questions and What-not's

How do I prettify for an event? I was asked to answer this question in my bid to score passes to the upcoming Beauty Social Event brought to you by BDJ Box team. It sort of morphed into a blog post as I felt this is one of life's questions that anyone can really relate to and can show some insight on a person's character. 

Hmmm... Let me count the ways. But unfortunately if I go and count all the ways, I'd end up talking myself blue even before I get to finish. Anyway just to make things simple, I'll just focus on the 3 easy steps I take whenever I'm preparing for an event. 

Step 1:

Take advantage of the reason to stay longer in your bath. 

Makeup can only do so much. A clean, smooth and healthy skin the best base for anything. So I take my time scrubbing my skin with my favorite Human Nature Body Scrub and make sure to rub it all the areas I don't get to put much attention on during my daily bath. This just helps in breaking down all the dry skin, making way for the new supple layer of skin.

Step 2: 

Do your makeup to enhance your face, not hide too much of your imperfections. 

Yes, I believe in the power of make-up to conceal, refine and create a striking look. But sometimes we forget that the best face is our natural face. It seems weird to see women looking so good during events but look so different from who they are on their daily life. You'd be surprised as to how many women still believe that foundation should be 2 shades lighter than their natural skin tone. So keep a lighter hand on that brush and let your natural beauty shine through.

Yes, even the Queen Bee of Constance Billard Highschool can turn raccoon face! Yes I'm 
also looking at you Taylor Momsen!

Step 3:

Always keep that smile going though your heart is crying. 

Lol! I know that sounds cliche' but really a well made-up makeup just doesn't look that great on a scowling face. So in the words of my mentor Michael Kors "Honey, you gotta fake it till you make it!".

During my previous work as an Events Coordinator, I've lost count the number times I just wish I was 5 years old and can throw a tantrum as I see fit. But obviously I'm way past that age, so even though the emotions aren't there I just have to keep that smile coming because no client wants to see their coordinator bad tempered. I can have my job at stake for every minute I stop being a bubbly, smiling freak. 

So keep that smile plastered on even until your jaw hurts, because no one enjoys looking at you when your grumpy.  

So there you have it. My own list of what-to-do before an event. So how about you? What are your tips in getting "model" ready for your next event? Keep me posted!

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