Monday, September 09, 2013

The Great Brush Debate

Whenever I look at makeup brush sets I just feel so confused. Why do we need so much? Particularly the number of brushes used just to do your eye shadow, just focusing on that can make you go crazy. From my experience a nice fluffy dome brush is already enough. 

Great thing our friends at narrowed it down to just the must have's. Click on the image below to know details of each brush.

I personally love the double ended brow brush with the spoolie at the end. Makes it so much easier to do your eyebrows during crunch time.

How about you? What's your all time favorite eye shadow brush? Let me know through the comments section below!

1 comment:

  1. I rarely wear eye shadow but I keep a blending brush and an all-over lid brush. I also have a double-ended brow brush.
